Saturday, September 8, 2007


I question all that is questionable in order to find a higher truth where there is none. I strive to discover a meaning to this random manifestation of life on earth. The more I question, the more I realize the answer is unattainable, and this frustrates me. No amount of adventure can make up for the fact that I cannot find a purpose to my existence. Will I find an answer? probably not, but I'll make sure that I give my life meaning and purpose. I'll make my actions and adventures meaningful and this is the beauty of life. We can chose a path of our own design. If I know anything it is that we are capable of anything we desire. The purpose of life is to cultivate these desires to achieve happiness. The paradox of life is that while happiness is easy to achieve it is nearly impossible to maintain, thus leaving us watching our life pass by as we search for something new. But what can be done when all possibilities are consumed? What if there is nothing left to aspire to? Is that the end? This world is too small for the capacity of the consciousness of man.


Anonymous said...

Scott, you have been thinking a lot like we do. It would be great to sit around and talk about these things. Happiness means different things to different people. Some people are happiest acquiring worldly goods. Other people think that they are happy partying & getting drunk, or stoned. Those people only think that they are happy. No one really discovers what their purpose in life is until they encounter life as it progresses. Love, from mja & rla

Anonymous said...

wow scott, that is really deep. i find myself wondering the same things often. I try to picture myself in the distant future, but fail, knowing that it is my experiences in my near future which will lead to me in the distant future, thus making it impossible to predict, but also enjoyable as you experience different things (mostly of your your own choosing) which will ultimatley lead to yourself in the distant future. i like you and your thoughts, it is inspiring

Anonymous said...

i read my last comment and came to the conclusion that it does not make sense. i will try again.
To me, it is important to make all of my present decisions count because i know they lead up to who i will become. It is interesting to think about how i can go through life, experiencing all sorts of things, which can be other peoples experiences on their paths. I think everyone must interact with everyone else to create who they are. but i do agree that the world is too small for all of mans' consciences but yet not big enough to limit experiences